The main objective of NSI is to support people from the southern part of the world (mainly subsaharan) to effectively harness Renewable Energies (RE). We foster sustainable development in this
field of RE for example with the following activities:
Support vocational training in the field of RE technologies by offering the Arved-von-Breitenstein scholarship (Current project: RE
department of the Mafinga Lutheran Vocational Training Center (MLVTC) in Tanzania)
- Support of suitable RE projects in rural regions
Foster know-how transfer from North to South in order to adopt and further develop RE technologies to the use of locally available RE sources
- Create public awareness for RE
Currently, NSI focusses on pilot projects in Tanzania.
The North South Initiative e.V. (NSI) was founded in 2000 in Neuendettelsau / Germany as a registered association. NSI is acknowledged as a non-profit organisation by the German revenue office in
NSI is financed by members and sponsors. Contributions to North South Initiative e.V. and to the Arved-von-Breitenstein Fund are tax-deductible. All work for
NSI e.V. is on a voluntary basis.
NSI is cooperating with the following partner organisations:
Deutsch-Tansanische Partnerschaft e.V. (German-Tanzanian Partnership; ), organising an environmental volunteers program
in Tanzania. Through the volunteer network, NSI manages to keep close contact to its Tanzanian projects.
URBIS Foundation, Munich / Germany, fostering Renewable Energies in Africa.
TAREA (Tanzanian Renewable Energy Association), Dar es Salaam / Tansania, being a faciliator for various players in the field of RE in Tanzania.
Apart from that we are connected with further partner instiutions.