Current Projects

NSI e.V. is currently focussing on projects in Tanzania.

RE Teacher Training Programm

We are currently working on a concept to create better training possibilities for Vocational Teachers in the sector of Renewable Energy in Tanzania.

After a first assessment based on a study conducted by TAREA a draft paper was prepared and discussed internally and with a lot of stakeholders in Tanzania.

Now a first version for a training concept was fixed and sent to partners for feedback and questions.


Vocational Teacher Training Program
First version of a training concept to train Vocational Teachers in the sector of renewable energies. This concept has been shared with several stakeholders and we are asking for feedback about it.
Vocational Teacher Training Program for
Adobe Acrobat Document 243.7 KB
Questionnaire for feedback about the Teacher Training Concept
Some specific questions and open points about the Vocational Teacher Training Program, so we collect feedback everybody involded or interested.
Vocational Teachers Training Program for
Microsoft Word Document 14.2 KB


With a lot of political changes taking place in the country the situation for the economy and the society is becoming more complex right now. So planning is getting difficult. Let's hope the situation is getting clearer in the time coming..

The locally manufactured Wind Turbine

One special project at the Mafinga Lutheran Vocational Trainingcenter (MLVTC) is the project of locally manufactured small wind turbines.

After supporting the search and testing off suitable turbine designs NSI later gave a revolving fund to the school to import magnets for constructing those wind turbines.

Now windmills are manufactured at the school and sold to customers.

But unfortunately still in a very little number, since this offer is only known by a few people and the complete systems of the turbine with tower, batteries and so one are quite expensive.


To improve the awareness of people about this offer NSI now gave an contribution for a windmill system which was built in town, next to the Show room of the Training Center. The windmill is used at the Showroom to power an Televesion system independently from the grid.

So it proves it's reliabilty in daily use and attracts visitors.


MLVTC is right now reaching out for support to build a new workshop for improving the teaching, training and production facilities. Let's see what we can do to support this very important subject.

The Mafinga Lutheran Vocational Training Center (MLVTC)

At the Mafinga Lutheran Vocational Trainingcenter (MLVTC) NSI supports the Department for Renewable Energies by offering the Arved von Breitenstein scholarship to promising students.


At the same time NSI finances the development of the first VETA approved curriculum for a vocational training on renewable energies (RE). With this measure we expect to manifest a high quality of RE education and attract many more students.

Create Awareness for Renewable Energies

NSI aims to create awareness for renewable energies (RE) in Tanzania. Therefore, we support so called village presentations in the region of Mafinga. A team of German volunteers and Tanzanian RE students go out into the villages in order to present e.g. solar panels and windmills and teach the opportunities of renewable energies in rural regions.

The REN project

This project is not any longer funded by NSI, since the idea was just to introduce a strong relationship between Vocational Training Centers with their alumni and the RE-companies which are searching for skilled people. Together with TAREA and DTP we supported alumni from the RE department of the MLVTC with a fully financed one year internship in a company or institution in the field of RE in Tanzania.


The last general assembly took place the 21st October 2017 in Neuendettelsau

First version of our Vocational Teacher Training Sector is available on our website. We are kindly asking for feedback

URBIS foundation funds study and work of NSI about RE Teacher Training Programm here

URBIS foundation funds projects at Mafinga Lutheran Vocational Training Center, find more here

VETA Curriculum for renewable energies approved, find more here

Successful cooperation with Berufsbildung Tansania e.V., find more here